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hildar 0.3.0

  • Improved README.
  • make_dict() now converts the wave column as integer.
  • Removed an old test setup file.
  • hil_setup() now adds a dictionary file to save_dir and should be able to find HILDA files in read_dir correctly.
  • hil_fetch() now works with other releases of HILDA not just release 16, which was unintentionally added.
  • Replaced the hil_dict object with a hil_dict() function that returns it.
  • Added hil_vars(), hil_labs(), and functions for quickly browsing the online HILDA dictionary.

hildar 0.2.1

  • Properly import packages of used functions.
  • Fix wrong warning messages in deprecate functions.

hildar 0.2.0

  • hil_fetch() looks for HILDA_FST in .Rprofile and .Renviron if not provided by the user. Also, the .dir argument is now hilda_fst_dir.
  • Simplify hil_setup() by removing the n_cores and pattern arguments. See its Notes.
  • Renamed hilda_dict to hil_dict.
  • Remove minimum versions of the dependencies.
  • Use hil_ as pkg suffix. fetch() and setup_hildar() have been renamed to hil_fetch() and hil_setup().

hildar 0.1.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.